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Tax Tips & News: Roth IRA

Who Benefits From Trump’s Tax Plan?

9 minutes read

While the details are just emerging and the final plan is sure to change, the tax overhaul that Trump & the Republican party recently unveiled has clear beneficiaries; and early indications are it is NOT the “middle class”.  In fact, according to this analysis, Trump’s tax plan will see the majority of the benefits—i.e. tax cuts— to the rich; particularly the top 1% & 0.1%.

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Is Your Investment Portfolio Tax Efficient?

4 minutes read

Is Your Portfolio Tax-Efficient?

Having a tax-efficient investment portfolio is a plus for many taxpayers. What makes this a desirable strategy when it comes to paying Uncle Sam and how can you make your investment portfolio even more tax efficient? There are plenty of ways to make more efficient investments and be financially savvy whether you’re investing on your own, with the help of new apps, products and services or with advice from a professional.

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Tax Pitfalls To Avoid When Investing In Funds

14 minutes read

Beware Of Fund Tax Implications

Even if it is too late to do anything about this year’s returns, it is a good time to start planning for next year’s. At the root of the most common blunders are three types of taxable fund payouts: interest income, dividends and capital gains. While all three are subject to a complex web of tax rates and regulations, investors can limit their tax bills by understanding their funds, planning carefully and staying abreast of tax changes in Washington....

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Convert to a Roth IRA or Stick with your Traditional IRA…

3 minutes read

This year conversions from Traditional to Roth IRA’s were way up due to the elimination of income limitations that were previously applied to the conversions.  But is converting to a Roth IRA a good idea when it comes to your income taxes?  In some cases it is a smart move to convert now and in others the tax implications are far too great.

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