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Tax Tips & News: unemployment insurance

Do Unemployment Benefits Affect Your Tax Return?

3 minutes read

If you recently lost your job, filing for unemployment benefits is one of the first things you will need to do. Receiving unemployment benefits can help you to get by financially as you search for new employment. However, there are tax consequences related to unemployment benefits. You need to know what you will pay in taxes for the unemployment benefits you receive to make sure you can afford to pay your taxes.

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5 New Tax Developments To Consider

6 minutes read

5 Tax Developments For 2013

1. Cell phones.The Small Business Jobs Act of 2010 (Pub. L. No. 111-240) made it easier for employers to claim income tax deductions for the cost of providing cell phones to employees. Starting with 2010, deductions have been allowed without detailed recordkeeping regarding personal and business use of the cell phones. However, in the wake of the tax law change, a big question remained: How are employer-provided cell phones treated on the employee end?

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